Numerous aspects of what is known in Germany as “Daseinsvorsorge” – i.e. the state’s obligation to provide an infrastructure for the economic activity of its citizens – and numerous activities of public building and infrastructure projects having been transferred to private-sector companies in France and Great Britain, efforts have also begun in Germany to finance, build and operate infrastructure and public buildings with the help of private undertakings. This concerns not only the construction of highways, an area in which our lawyers have built up considerable experience for many years. Smaller projects are now also being successfully implemented with the involvement of the private sector.
Our lawyers became active in privatisation matters at a very early stage and have acquired expertise with large-scale project, for example the new BBI (Berlin Brandenburg International) Airport. Our range of advisory services includes assistance with the privatisation of public-sector activities, organisations and assets, developing models for outsourcing and contracting out, drafting and negotiating public-private partnerships and public finance initiative models, the development of intelligent operating models, as well as providing specialist advice for private enterprises entering into this form of co-operation with the public sector.