is a Berlin lawyer and works in the field of German and international business law. He advises investors, undertakings and administrative authorities in Germany and abroad, primarily on projects and transactions in the sectors of real estate, construction, infrastructure, energy, and technology transfer. The markets covered by Dr. Malmendier’s advice extend from Berlin and Germany through all of Europe, Russia, the Caucasus, Central Asia, the Middle East and Africa.
Dr. Malmendier’s excellent legal expertise and many years of experience and his access to decision-makers in industry and politics have made him a sought-after consultant especially for cross-border transactions, legal policy consultation, and complex real estate as well as construction and infrastructure projects. Dr. Malmendier has attained a reputation for mastering the challenges of planning and approval law for difficult projects or in complex political circumstances. In addition, Dr. Malmendier has gained solid experience with complex M&A and real estate transactions and the related drafting of contracts.
His work as a member of the supervisory boards and advisory boards of listed companies enable Dr. Malmendier to focus on the business needs and our clients’ profit orientation.
Dr. Malmendier studied law, medicine and philosophy in Lyon, Geneva and Berlin and acquired a doctoral degree in the history of constitutional law in the year 2000. His doctoral thesis was supported by a scholarship from the German National Merit Foundation. Following a longer period of time as a research assistant at the Institute for State Studies, Constitutional and Administrative Law at the Free University of Berlin (Professor Dr. Graf von Pestalozza), he was admitted to the bar in 1997 and founded today’s law firm in the year 2002.
Vice Chairman of the Supervisory Board of CORESTATE Capital Holding S.A.
Advisory Board HYDROMA Inc.
Advisory Board Moellendorf & Company
Conseiller du commerce extérieur de la France
Secretary General of the Deutsch-Französischer Wirtschaftskreis (German-French Commercial Association)
UIA Union Internationale des Avocats
International Bar Association
Ost-Ausschuß – Osteuropaverein der Deutschen Wirtschaft (Eastern Committee of the Eastern European Association of German Industry)
Forumvergabe (Association dealing with issues of public procurement)
Institut für Energierecht Berlin (Institute for Energy Law)
Deutsch-Französische Juristenvereinigung (French-German Lawyers Association)
Deutsch-Russisches Form (German-Russian Forum)
Bundesvereinigung öffentliches Recht (Federal Association for Public Law)
Institut für Energie und Wettbewerbsrecht der kommunalen Wirtschaft (Institute for Energy and Competition Law at the Municipal Level)
Gesellschaft für Umweltrecht (Society for Environmental Law)
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Baurecht (German Association for Construction Law)
Yeti Club Zermatt